The explosion of the Tunguska meteorite in Siberia in 1908 showed that even an air explosion of a large meteorite can cause huge damage. Earth is not the only planet suffering from space alien explosions.
Radar study of the surface of Venus
Radar research of the surface of Venus showed that our neighbor has repeatedly suffered from the fall of huge meteorites. At the surface of Venus, the density of its atmosphere is 50 times higher than the density of the earth at the same height. Therefore, space travelers falling on its surface are likely to share the fate of the Tunguska meteorite, that is, they will melt from friction before reaching the soil of Venus.
But a denser atmosphere better conveys mechanical vibrations. Therefore, the impetus from such a space accident on Venus is more destructive than on Earth.
In addition to many common craters, about 400 spots were found on the surface of Venus. These spots have a diameter of 30 to 50 kilometers. Scientists think that these are the scars that were left on the face of Venus by meteorites exploding in its atmosphere.